DMCA Infringement Report Policy

Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is dedicated to honoring intellectual property rights and actively opposes any unauthorized infringement of these rights, including copyright violations. Our policy complies with the DMCA's stipulations for addressing clear notices of alleged copyright infringement.

Reporting Alleged Infringement

To report suspected copyright infringement on's platforms, please get in touch with our designated agent at

Your report should include the following, as required by the DMCA:

  1. Authorized Signature: A signature from an authorized person acting on behalf of the owner of the alleged infringed right is required, either physical or electronic.
  2. Identification of Infringing Material: Specific details about the infringing materials and their location on's website.
  3. Identification of Copyrighted Work: Clear identification of the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed.
  4. Contact Information: Your contact details, including a physical address, telephone number, and email address.
  5. Good Faith Statement: Affirm that The material being complained about is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  6. Accuracy Statement: A declaration that the information provided is accurate and you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right allegedly infringed under penalty of perjury.
  7. False Claims Warning: Under the DMCA, anyone who knowingly misrepresents material or activity as infringing may be liable.'s Response to Infringement Notices

Upon receipt of a valid infringement notice, will swiftly investigate and, if applicable, remove or restrict access to the allegedly infringing material. We will inform the content provider, member, or user about the removal and, if necessary, indicate it on our website during the investigation.

Repeat Infringer Policy: Consistent with the DMCA, may terminate access for users identified as repeat infringers. The specifics of our repeat infringer policy are confidential to prevent misuse.

Challenging a Claim

Considerations of fair use are crucial. maintains the right to challenge abuses of the DMCA process. Submitting a claim does not negate our right to dispute such claims.


You are liable for damages, costs, and legal fees if you falsely claim infringement. By reporting, you agree to indemnify